Click on one of the image below to learn more about our summer leagues.


Couple's League

Every Monday @ 5:30 PM

Starts: Mon, May 26, 2025

Cost: $: 50.00

Mixed teams of member from BFCC.  Playing 2 to 3 teams per hole. If you cannot make it, you are responsible for finding a substitute team. If you need help finding a sub team, contact the clubhouse for assistance. If you do not show, you receive zero points. Handicap will be used for every event. Points will be awarded every week. The team with the most points will win the regular season. 

Women's League

Every Tuesday @ 5:15 PM

Starts: Tue, May 6, 2025

Cost: $: 50.00

Players will compete every week for points. Reverse points is the way. If there are 20 players, 1st place will get 20 points, 2nd-19, 3rd-18...Last– 1. In team games points will be split evenly between team members.  The most points at the end of the season will be Women’s League Champion.

Men's Afternoon League

Every Wednesday @ 12:00 PM

Starts: Wed, May 7, 2025

Cost: $: 50.00

The League will run for 16 Weeks ending on August 23, 2023  The games we play will be different every week. From best 2 of 4 balls to scrambles, shambles and of course Lone Ranger, there will be a different way we keep score every week.

Men's Evening League

Every Wednesday @ 5:30 PM

Starts: Wed, May 14, 2025

Cost: $: 50.00

Two Player Teams.  Match Play with the low handicap on each team playing each other and the high handicap of each team playing each other.  Match Play will start May 3rd.  The Bracket Tournaments will finish on September 6th.