
Day of Week: Tuesday

League Start Time: 5:15 pm

Start Date:

Cost: $50.00

Single person signup with rotating schedule of games to play each week.  Non-Members may play in the League but must pay green fees every time they play in addition to the one-time league fee. (carts extra if needed)

Season Points

Players will compete every week for points. Reverse points is the way. If there are 20 players, 1st place will get 20 points, 2nd-19, 3rd-18…Last– 1. In team games points will be split evenly between team members.  The most points at the end of the season will be Women’s League Champion.

Contest Holes

Contest holes will be different from night to night based on the game. There will be at least 2 every night excluding Prize Night, there will be 9 for that event.

$50 registration fee must be paid in-person with cash.

If you are interested in playing, please fill out the form below to let us know!