Day of Week: Wednesday

League Start Time: 12:00 pm

Start Date:

Cost: $50.00

The games we play will be different every week. From best 2 of 4 balls to scrambles, shambles and of course Lone Ranger, there will be a different way we keep score every week. The League will start on officially on May 14th. That is the week we will start keeping track of points and money that will lead us to a league winner.

Team Captain

Each Team will be responsible for designating one player the Team Captain. The Team Captain is responsible for communicating about your team. We MUST have 4 players on each team every week. If any of the original 4 team members cannot make it, it is the responsibility of the Team Captain to find a substitute for your team.  If there is not communication with changes to the team, Casey will assume that the 4 original players will be playing and your team scorecard will be printed with such in-formation. Scorecards are printed at 10:00 am on the day of play. Please have changes to clubhouse by then or your scorecard will be printed with the original players listed on the team. A new scorecard will not be printed after 11:00am.


Non-Member Subs are welcome to play. They are limited to 3 times per year and must pay a full green each time and a one time $20 sub fee.

Bonus Games

A bonus Skins Game and Deuce Pot will be optional for $5 per week. In the Skins Game the players will receive 60% of their Course Handicap. The deuce pot will be gross with NO Handicap. If there are no deuces or skins, the money will carry over to the next week. Payment will be required every week to be eligible for payout.


Generally, Players 64 & Younger will play the White tees. Players 65 and older will play the Gold Tees. There may be times based on the game where we play a Red/Gold or Gold/White for seniors and White/Blue for others.


The team with the highest amount of points at the end of the season will be the winners of the League.  Weekly points are as follows an are based on having 14 teams in the League.

  • 1st Place– 56
  • 2nd Place-52
  • 3rd Place-48
  • 4th Place– 44
  • 5th Place-40
  • 6th Place-36
  • 7th Place-32
  • 8th Place-28
  • 9th Place-24
  • 10th Place-20
  • 11th Place-16
  • 12th Place-12
  • 13th Place-8
  • 14th Place-4

Cash Prizes

  • 1st Place every week will be a cash prize of $50
  • 2nd Place every week will be a cash prize of $30
  • 3rd Place every week will be cash prize of $20

Contest Holes

2 contest holes will vary each week. With longest putt, longest drives and closest to the pin. Winners receive $20 gift card to BFCC!

$50 registration fee per player must be paid in-person with cash.